Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Four Gospels

Universal Life Church
The first four Books of the New Testament are like newspaper accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ from four men who loved Him and followed Him. The arrival of Jesus signaled the beginning of the New Testament. God entered history in a personal way. God makes it clear that He is on our side and is doing everything possible to save us. It was worked out in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Salvation is the main business of Jesus.

Matthew opens the New Testament by setting the local story of Jesus in a historical context. He makes sure that as we read his account of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. He is writing especially to Jewish readers. His main purpose is to convince them that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the Savior. He does this by showing how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies.

Mark wastes no time in getting down to business. An event has taken place that radically changes the way we look at and experience the world. And he can’t wait to tell us about it. The sooner we get the message, the better off we will be. The message is good. God is here and He’s on our side. Mark was not one of the twelve apostles and he presents the person and work of Jesus Christ to a primarily non-Jewish audience. His attitude may have been, just give us the facts.

Luke is the champion of the outsider. He is the only Gentile in an all Jewish cast of New Testament writers. He shows how Jesus includes those who typically were treated as outsiders by the religious establishment. As he tells the story, all of us who have found ourselves on the outside looking in on life with no hope find the doors wide open in Jesus.

John’s Gospel is different from the other Gospel’s about Jesus. John dwells upon the spiritual meaning of what Jesus said and did. John emphasizes the signs and miracles that prove Jesus is the Son of God. He presents God as speaking salvation into existence. This time God’s word takes on the human form as Jesus. Jesus speaks the word and it happens.

After reading all four Gospels I understand why there are four. Each Gospel is reaching out to different people. The story of Jesus is the same. The people that are hearing it are different. We are from all walks of life. God wants to reach all with His Good News.

One thing I question is the genealogies in both Matthew and Luke’s Gospels. They trace the descendant of Jesus not through Mary His mother but through Joseph, His stepfather. I was always taught that Jesus is the Son of God.

F. James Barker


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