Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Master of Religion

master of religion
Masters of Religion Essay
Defamation of the character of god.
By Ronnie Myers

I believe that the true Deity is the eternal source of unrestricted love for all that are created. The true Deity is without enemy, is of impeccable character and must maintain such high standard, in order to be perfect. However, the Majority of the so-called religious luminaries are spreading all sorts of misinformation that have generated fear and confusion regarding God's character. All of those fallacies are centered around the following issues:

1. Who or what created us.
2. Who or What created our creator.
3. Why are we here?
4. Where do we go from here?
5. When and how consciousness was first experienced.

It is my opinion that the intelligence of the masses is hopelessly lacking with regards to our quest for immortality. Most of our religious leaders are primarily salespersons that resort to drama and all sorts of erroneous arguments to mislead the gullible. In their efforts to explain some of the concerns listed above, they have created a Bible that is rife in fable and contradictions. These religious leaders have sworn that the writings in the Bible are the infallible words of God. They try to intimidate us by suggesting that it is blasphemy to question the validity of its contents. The net result is their success in the spreading of a type of doctrine that clearly shows that they are worshiping not the true God, but rather an evil spirit.

First, they concocted a myth that out of a perfect Heaven, created and controlled by an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and infinite God, a rebellion lead by his right hand servant, Lucifer, resulted in turmoil in heaven. They went on to intimate that Lucifer was created perfect! However, they cannot explain why Elohim's type of perfection does not equate to our human standard of perfection. They also argue that when all the new converts go to Heaven such revolt will never recur! How can this be guaranteed?. It happened before even when Godly perfection was Heaven's ensign! Apparently, Yahweh did not learn any lesson from the first Heavenly mutiny, so he created Adam; out of dust mind you! Mysteriously, forming hair, intricate internal organs, blood, skin, bones, body cells, nails and so on out of dust. But, guess what? the same Lucifer created such havoc with Adam and Eve that the entire world is now under the sentence of death. This sentence of death was passed on us not that we did anything wrong but rather by the edict of a vengeful Elohim who in the first created an imperfect Adam and allowed him to be tempted by the master renegade Lucifer. Did Yahweh, the all-knowing God, not know beforehand that the Adam's venture was doomed to failure and would fuel such mayhem and carnage that would eventually conclude with millions receiving an imminent inhuman punishment, in an eternal lake of fire?

According to the Bible, God on a number of occasions threatened to wipe our ancestors off the face of the earth and had to be rebuked by Moses once and another of our forebears on the other occasions. The Bible states that years ago, Yahweh personally drowned, the entire world saves for Noah and his family. Yahweh, no doubt was stunned to see the descendants of Noah rising up later to create myriad of crimes that are even more heinous than those for which he drowned the earlier malefactors. Yahweh eventually selected a tribe “the Jews- and instructed them to murder; in his name, all men, women, children and animal of other tribes that Yahweh had also created. The regimental order was to destroy anything that moves, unless he, she or it was Jewish. After each tribe is slaughtered take their lands and jewelry, then rejoice with a loud noise. Do not forget my meal, which should be promptly send up to me in the form of very burnt offering-after each mass murder. The bible endorsed the murderous acts of Moses, Joshua- a renowned war criminal, Samuel, and David –to name a meager few. The Bible relates how one of God Prophet called down wolves and watched with pride and delight as the wolves devoured some kids who merely called him a baled-headed prophet. According to the Bible, Yahweh, found a way to save the world that would at the same time give Him some worldly pleasures. He personally came down from Heaven, impregnates one of his daughters, Mary, and to get a son called Jesus. This Jesus is therefore his son and his Grandson. Now the major question is this. If God is the father of Jesus and Mary is the mother of Jesus, then, who is Mary to God?

Did the writer of the Bible made Yahweh into a rapist, who is also guilty of incest, fornication and intimidation seeing that it is written, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, etc.' When Joseph complained about the pending disgrace, Yahweh sent an angel to tell him to stop his whining. About thirty “Three years after Jesus' birth ordinary human killed this Son of God and He return to Heaven to sit on the right hand of an infinite God. How do you find the right side of infinity? Why, did Jesus rush back to Heaven? Can you imagine how may converts would abound had Jesus been amongst us today? He is gone to prepare a place for us. What! God the all-mighty has no residence for us in Heaven? Yet?

The best-kept secret of the religious fundamentalists “never will they preach this in church- is that the Bible is in fact a composition of the early beliefs of ordinary men who were primitive in most matters of science, and geography. In view of this, the Bible's teachings are contrary with modern knowledge. No intelligent person can in this modern age accepts the Bible as the infallible word of god. Modern technology debunk the story that Joshua in his zest to murder more men, women and children could not of caused the length of that day to increase by commanding the sun to stand still. Any kindergarten kid can explain why the sun standing still has no effect on the length of a day. Ask most clergy persons to explain this major error in the Bible and they tell will give some irrational argument, which only prove further that had God inspired those writers they would not have written such rubbish and attributed to an all-knowing Deity. The chief writers of hr Bible were Eastern Semitic and Palestinian Jews. Their writings are about their concept of the nature of their God, Yahweh and Yahweh's relation to a “Chosen People, the Jews. This preferential treatment meted out to the Jews is a prime demonstration of racial prejudice in their so-called Holy Bible. The Bible does not present a God of unconditional love and justice. The substance of the writings portrays an evil spirit that is jealous, prejudice, unfair, cruel, incites to riot, war and plunder, encourages deceit and sanctions a litany of unbecoming practices. As for me, I prefer to believe that such literature was the work of man rather than a loving God. Recently, an eight-year-old kid said that God committed all those atrocities before God was saved. Well spoken my young friend.

In view of these myths being promoted by the various denominations we now should strive to protect the holy image of the true Deity. There are charlatans all over the world that are defaming the character of our God of unconditional Love? Can the true Deity have enemies? promote racial prejudice? Wage wars? Be egotistical, jealous, vindictive, and fickle? God forbid.


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