Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Master of Religion

The thing that jumps out strongest about the course Master of Religion - it was entirely too short. There is so much information to be covered in just 20 short lessons. I could have gone on for a lot longer. I always enjoy a course when it opens ideas and forces me to think about my beliefs and even research further into the issues involved. One issue I felt compelled to tackle in this course was discernment.

Following the discussion on the multiple flavors of Christian religion I felt challenged to look not only at the variety of beliefs but also the influence on people and on the lives of individuals. Does this "flavor" of Christianity lead to a good life - bear positive fruit - or can it be linked to an evil influence - do the followers lie, steal and cheat?

I myself feel that it is the fruit of the flavor that bears witness to the strengths of the belief system.

The Catholic Church's long term battle on opposing view points certainly does not lend itself to a positive life style. Yet, it is the leaders that continue unjust persecution not the average believer. So can we condemn the system for such former abuses Other denominations have been just as repressive and destructive through the years. I believe it is the hatred that disturbs our heavenly creator and not the flavor of the belief we follow. Often the average believer does not even understand the complex theology used to support the views and actions of the leaders. Nor do they necessarily follow the same political issues.

In past ages many believers were unable to read and could only follow the leadership they were given, which might not be the most Christian view point. Check out the view of the puritans when they sought to establish themselves in this country. It was not a very glorious story, and fortunately they have vanished.

Today we are very lucky to have the opportunity to follow God and learn line upon line, precept upon precept. Before I feel confident telling others what to believe I need to be sure I know what I really believe. This course have given me a choice opportunity to question and study my belief system.

Keep up the good work.

I consider this course a good introduction to the Christian faith and beliefs. Thanks

Zelma Emerson


The Universal Life Church Seminary is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, and Paganism.  We have two courses in Metaphysics, as well as courses in Mystical Christianity, Buddhism and Comparative Religion. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Masters of Religion course

Masters of Religion course Dissertation paper
By Rev. Jacob Holt

The Masters of Religion course taught me to realize that no matter what religion you practice, whether it's Muslim or Christian there is only one (1) Lord and God. The only difference is the belief system of the religion you practice. It is an ongoing battle of who's "Right" and who's "Wrong" based on the bibles interpretation. The bibles interpretation has been twisted and cut & pasted for many generations and also in today's society. The main problem is that the bible is taught opposite of its purpose. If the bible is taught the real way it was meant to be taught and transcribed stating its exact interpretation, there would be no mis-interpretation. What each book of the bible says is exactly what happened at that point in time. For example, if John the Baptist baptized Jesus, then that's what we should teach that he did. Not argue the fact that just because Jesus is the Messiah then he didn't need baptism. That just shows ignorance of the fact that Jesus was born of the flesh and was in human form for his life. He came to be among men, and not to be considered "special". Another misconception is the fact that people and society in general think that the bible has a lot of contradiction when in actuality it doesn't. To prove that point, consider answering this question if you consider the bible to contradict itself. How can the bible contradict itself if it is 66 individual books, written on three (3) continents, in three (3) languages over a period of 1500 years by more than 40 authors who have written the same material?

When you look past all the contradictions of how the bible is to be taught, we should look at what is accepted and what is not accepted in the church. When it boils down to it, the bible teaches us to love and forgive all and to love and accept all. No matter what the persons past is or the trials and tribulations they experienced. When we realize this and accept it, how do we react when and if a prostitute visits our church to worship? It is taught that God is the judge, not us. How ever long a person takes to resolve the problem of his/her life is between the person and God only. As Christians, we know that prostitution is wrong or bad. But when such a person visits the church we are not to turn them away. We are to accept them, teach them and influence them other wise they would not have visited the church, right? Then when we have saved a life or if we do, God will forgive with all his love, and we can only save a person that has come to be saved, expressed all of their sin to God and continue to realize through faith and respect for self. The same goes for all addictions of the flesh.

The final topic that I consider debated is divorce. The bible teaches of divorce of countries and only that both Jesus and Paul only recognized the "possibility" of divorce. But does not specifically describe what is to be divorced, does it? The course itself teaches divorce from marriage. Divorce can be sinful too. Although the sin lies in the months and years spent that lead to divorce. To help reconcile a mariage is to forgive the sin with the heart. On the matter of forgiveness and just before discussing divorce, Jesus said to the disciples "So also shall my heavenly Father do to you if you from your hearts forgive not men their trespasses". What that tells me is that in all we do in our daily lives we must forgive, ask for forgiveness from the heart and we shall be forgiven by God. In my completion of the course, it has opened my heart to accept all things as they are as well as to give forgiveness as well as ask for it in times of need.

Thank you so much Amy for helping me when i was having difficulties in recieving the lessons throughout the course! You have done a stupendous job with the Seminary and look forward to my completing my next courses too!


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Four Gospels Course.

Essay for the Dr. of Christian Studies – The Four Gospels Course.
Sharon J. Mayer

This is a wonderful course that has taken me on an exploration of early Christian writings, practices, and thought.

Over my sixty nine years of life I have had the gospels read to me or read them myself numerous times and each time something new has come from the reading as I have grown in understanding. This course was the best of all I have taken on the subject. I was not told this is the Truth and you must believe it. I was allowed, during the course, to explore on my own the writings and teachings that would enhance the subject and my understanding. .

We were asked to write on one point of the books, which either stumped or moved the reader, to pick a section and write an opinion. That is extremely difficult because all the books as presented sent me looking for more information, another interpretation, history of the times and place the book was written, the thoughts and powers of the day. I was so interested in continuing my studies that I did not eve realize the course had come to an end – but my studies have not ended as yet.

The parts that interested me the most were those that mentioned the Gospel of Q as a starting point of the narrative of some of the books. The ideas that the oral tradition that was passed from regional areas and understandings of what had been said and done by Jesus was well brought out during the discourse. I was familiar with Q and Thomas, as well as other books that were not included in the New Testament by formal religion. I am also familiar with other texts of some religions that are added to the Bible for use by their church members.

I have often been confused by the fact that not all books were available to read by the common person and that since the Bible was hand-copied there was no way to be sure that the text was kept complete and accurate. This is a main point that has perplexed me most of my years. I understand there are those who believe and base their faith on the fact that God gave all the words in the books to the person writing and they are absolute truth and are to be followed.

But if the Bibles were commissioned by humans and humans have free will how were the books of the bible to be kept pure as complied and handed down for centuries? If a ruler wanted to add something to enhance his kingdom and he needed to have “history” rewritten that could be done. We all know that local practices were incorporated into the church to draw more members. So what was to stop the things the ruler did not like from being excluded and things he wanted to be part of religion from being added? If a church body felt that a book for other form of writing was detrimental to their ways they would just not add that thought or practice to the Formal Church. People have died for what was written and believed from the early church on. These are the things about the Gospels that really push me to continue my learning of early Christian writing and keep me studying more about the subject.

The Gospel according to Like is an example of the history of Jesus’ birth and family.

This is brought out in the course to be written to appease the Romans that this was a spiritual person and no threat to the political situation of Rome. It also made a strong tie of Christianity being part of the Jewish religion that would be tolerated by Rome. This to me is a case in point where the writing was honed to appeal to the powers that be.

Later the books were arranged by what was to be taught because of highly placed church leaders and the thought they had about what was to be given to the common folk to continue their religious training. There seems to have been much control of what was added to the books, wheat was written, how it was presented and what text was left out. As brought out in the lesson on “The Word According to Luke, Pt 2 “There are no secrets. When you open yourself up to the light, everything is seen.”

That is what this class has done for me and I hope for others. Look into the light of knowledge and travel to wherever it takes you to find the truth.

Rev Sharon J. Mayer


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Four Gospels Course

Final Essay Four Gospels Rev. Lucinda Parker

This class was extremely interesting and well constructed. As a non-Christian, I learned a great deal about the variations within the gospels, which undoubtedly lead to the variations in Christian beliefs.

It is very interesting to compare the four gospels to each other and realize the message is not the same nor written for the same audience. Mark was writing presumably to Jews. Matthew was sending the message of Jesus only to Jews. Luke, written later, was writing to both Gentiles and Jews of Israel. John, the newest of the gospels was written to a universal audience.

Many of the same stories appear in at least two of the gospels yet are changed to fit the audience, which in some cases changes the meaning of the story. In Mark, Matthew and Luke, Jesus teaches in parables and he performs exorcisms (healings) In John, Jesus does not teach in parables nor does Jesus perform exorcisms. Comparing the common parables or stories, it is almost like playing the children’s game of “Gossip.” The story changes a little bit with each retelling.

I found John’s message to be the most different from the other three and the most radical. It was also the hardest to read as my own beliefs started to contradict what I was reading. John says Jesus was God. John mentions a virgin birth. John also implies that Jesus raised himself from the grave. John’s gospel presents a Jesus that was not a human teacher, but God himself. Jesus is the “I AM.”

Mark says Jesus was a man. He was the Son of God, the messiah of the Jews. Mark portrays Jesus with limited abilities or authority. Matthew said Jesus was Godlike. Matthew did believe in the Immaculate Conception and that God raised Jesus from the dead.

Luke, the most literary of the writers said Jesus was godlike and the Savior of the World. He repeated Matthew’s stance of the Immaculate Conception and God’s resurrection of Jesus.

John’s message differs greatly in the way he presents Jesus, not only from the other three gospels, but also within his gospel, which leads credence to scholarly writings that John was actually more than one writer. John says Jesus did not associate with outcasts and does not include the stories of the other three where Jesus did associate with the outcasts. Perhaps this reflects the fact John was written much later than the first three and was written only to believers rather than to non- believers of the day.

In John, Jesus talks about himself a lot and his relation with the father and why he is on earth, why he must die, etc. None of the other three gospels portray Jesus in the same light. Jesus says little about himself in the other three gospels nor of his mission here on earth other than to teach, heal and share.

The last big difference I see is that Matthew, Luke and Mark teach that God is love for everyone. Love thy neighbor as thy self. John has a totally different message. John’s message of love seems to stretch only to other believers, and that salvation is not through love and God, but only through Jesus and believing him to be God. That is quite a different message than the other three gospels.

This class was very well written. I would not have taken a course about Christianity if it were not required for the degree. I enjoyed the gospel of Thomas the most. I didn’t even know there was a gospel of Thomas. Luke was the best writer of all and obviously educated for the times.

The book that accompanied the class was an interesting translation. I compared some chapters to the NIV versions. The Greek translation was easy to read.

I would suggest this class to anyone interested in studying the gospels for the differences and similarities, which have given rise to the many denominations within Christianity.

Rev. Lucinda Parker


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Master of Religion

Christian Counseling at ULC Seminary
RE: Final Essay for Class Course by Rev. Tracey Loper
Bible Basics

Dearest Friends,

I appreciate the basics that I learned, as it is helpful in dealing with the varied and diverse spiritual beliefs among my clients and friends. The understanding will help me in my service to All humanity.

Thank you for an excellent bible basics course. This course brought me enlightenment about the bible. There was clarity given as well as validations to support the Bible as the Word of God. I was able to view the Bible itself as tangible evidence of the Word of God.

There was focus on prophets and prophecies of the Bible. The course encouraged study of the Bible vs. just referencing it or simply reading the Bible. Through this Course, I learned about different beliefs of the different faiths. The format of the class outlined al the information needed to study the bible from explaining it as a study guide of the Word of God. The 39 books of the old testament have so much information and profound wisdom.

There were many inspiring verses from the bible. I challenged myself to learn a verse that I could repeat when times were tough for me, as I have been suffering the grief of losing seven close family members in the past year. The verse I chose to memorize is quite simple and easy to remember and yet so powerful. It is found in Psalms 46:10. The verse states ‘Be Still and Know that I am God’. I have said it repeatedly as I deal with my grief and face worries in my life. I am reminded to remember that God has brought me victory, the ability to overcome, many problems that held me in bondage. The important thing for me is to seek God through prayer and meditation, so that I can develop confidence in God, and be in touch with his unfailing love for me, remembering that He will be my Guide and Strength, and Comfort as I face the struggles and grieves of life.

This course kept me focused as the format just flowed eloquently. I read the bible from cover to cover, in order, without skipping or moving ahead, and at my own pace and it has taken me sometime. Thus, I learned gradually, line by line, how to use the bible as a study tool.

The course suggested taking part in some form of worship. I began attending a praise and worship session once a week. The music uplifted me, raised my energy and vibrations, and brought me closer to God.

Peace be with you.

Rev. Tracey Loper


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount at ULC Seminary
The Sermon on the Mount Study One,

The sermon on the mount

From a different point of view concerning the sermon on the mount it must be described as the story of a great and powerful king, a strong, from of an all loving father and His children. His children that he loved more than it was possible for humanity to yet have experience while still remaining in unrestricted shells called bodies.

The sermon was the message of a loving and devoted father to those children of his that he had created out of love and a strong desire to share his life in this awesome creation of His, known as the heavens. How easy for us humans to understand the concept of this love, yet being only human we could never fully understand the debts that he The Father could indeed have felt concerning His beloved

His message had come at a time of great despair for human kind. Times of great confusion and a strong sense of loss, that can only be described as the great void. Our sin had created such a chasm so deep, so unimaginable that they might have felt such loneliness and great desperation of ever touching the heart of their God ever again. Without hope, there would be only blackness, without hope why would we want to continue to ever long to escape into the light ever again. In that light we would find great piece and all those answers we now seek of him as humans.
The desire of His children to be with their father again.

God so loved the world, his humanity that he gave his only begotten Son. How much more could he have loved His own Son that he loved humanity. A sacrifice that broke His heart but nevertheless His Son choose of his own free will out of Love for his father and his beloved children called man.

He gave us the most wonderful greeting to say when we gave of ourselves to talk with the father. He gave us a guide to greet him out of Love and respect. Of whom He was. And what He meant to us. To Humble ourselves before Him in honour of all that he have given us is so many ways. To give thanks in private, to open ourselves in fullness to him as not to hide anything from Him, to have total faith in all that we shared with him. For to love and honour Him for the Holy awesomeness of the parent, protector that he is.

In return He asked us to pay an expensive price. A price with an exact and calculated amount. To love one another as we would love ourselves. To believe that His son is the Christ Jesus, To give Him your heart totally. And to always remember there is no other name under the heavens for salvation, no other but this Jesus Christ. To believe upon Him.

Jesus gave us the will and the hope to go on in very uncertain times of great turmoil and hopelessness, this time of great despair had beaten us down to a state of total surrender. The will to fight anymore had been lost for a great many years. Till this message shown forth a ray of hope, a light shine through the blackness and the void. Something had changed in the heavens that day, that moment had changed mankind forever more.

I would have loved to have been there that day, and to have heard Him speak in great clarity and as one with great authority. To have heard his voice proclaim to all those there that today was the beginning of something quite good. To have seen the sparkle in His eyes when he spoke of all that was to come. To feel in the air all around Him the energy that came forth from him, that declared that he was The Christ that was promised so long ago. That the profits had been fulfilled that very day.

The sermon on the mount study two

Sermon on the Mount

In the Sermon on the mount is were the Word was made in human form to reiterate God̢۪s plane for mankind.( in this point of human history) all the words would now come together to explain wonderfully the plan God had for His Mankind.( His beloved Children). A plan designed by the Father to be carried out by the Son, The decision had to be of the Son's own free will. To continue the Fathers plan of the salvation of humanity or not. He had a choice. He has chosen us.

He spoke as one with authority. His message was one of hope and conviction. He had a plan for the salvation of humanity. And it was here at this time Jesus had chosen to proclaim to all humanity His Fathers plan. The seed had been planted, it was up to humanity to see if it would be nurtured and left to grow. This would be our choice. (free will choice) But with this (free will) it carried even newer implications. For Jesus had not come to change the law but to make it even more binding. That to murder was a sin but know to even contemplate murder was now a sin in the face of God Also. To lust after a woman, even in thought would now be just a sinful as acting upon such a thought.

Jesus told us of a way to pray to the Father with respected to Him for He was the father of all of us. Jesus gave them the example of the (lords Prayer) as a guide.. So in this way they would not be as the pagan who made chants and repeats of a many words that served no purpose but to entertain family and friends of how pious they were. Or even to go as far as to cover their faces with ash and disguises themselves to look like they have been fasting and praying for long periods of time. In a since they had become professional Christians who in face were perfect children of God yet like white washed tombs on the out side all clean and radiant, but on the inside were full of filth and dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Jesus talked of how the builder who is wise and decide to build his house on a rock foundation, ( in this case the truth of the word of God) will overcome many disastrous, as that of a man that builds his home on sand, first good rain (tribulation) and everything will be washed away. There was no foundation of stone to hold the house on the sand, (knowledge of the word) The foundation on rock is a faith built on studding the word of God and living that word everyday for the rest of your life. and not to serve two masters one the world, the sand and one the rock, the father.

It was also taught that to let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and to glorify God, your father. This all an example of what we gain when he is in us and we grow in him in the inside as well as the outside.

Then there began the beatitudes, which we call the blessed are! For they are the light of the world, the salt of the earth.

The beginnings of all is right and good with that of the children of God and all the good blessings that He God had blessed us as His children have received. There is so much wisdom to be learned from these words. So full and rock solid in the truth that they are based in. Jesus had truly come to full fill the Law. Blessed ere those whom seek the word and to someday have the law written upon there hearts. I look forward to that day when the veil of knowledge has been opened to God's children and we shall both see Him and His law and truly understand how great and beneficial it all is for His creation.

Always remember the seeker finds, the asked always gets, whoever knocks is admitted. How is it that these words these concepts so simple are so feared and rejected by the world, it is so simple to understand only because Jesus has given to me His Holy Spirit, this same spirit has made it so simple for me to understand such an idea, yet the world does not see, does not understand even what a child can?

The sermon on the mount is Jesus greatest sermon ever given to humanity in the personage in the flesh of the Son of God ever given in the history of creation. He spoke of one with authority. His message was one of hope and conviction. Follow the road that He has now shown us and we will grow as children do and follow in His footsteps. He gave us free will and a promise never to leave us. He will not fail to live up to His promise. This father would not. Let your light shine as a beacon to others that you belong to Him. He has come to give us hope, and through this sermon gave us so much more. Praise the father, Praise the Son.

Rev. Carl Coglianese


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Four Gospels

Four Gospels through ULC Seminary
The Four Gospel’s Final Essay
By Rev. Nancy Rutledge

The Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (and Thomas) was a very interesting course. I took this course to gain a better understanding of the Gospels. I liked the textbook: The Unvarnished Gospels. It was like four different people. Some parts are in agreement while others leave the reader wondering if indeed the writers are talking about the same person. During this course I realized that the Four Gospels were written by many people with eyes that did not witness these events. Each writer brings his own background and motivations to their writings.

Matthew, Mark and Luke were more alike than John who wrote and made his Gospel available ninety years after the death of Jesus. Matthew’s Gospel was about twice as much as Mark. Mark’s was so short it left out the whole story of the Sermon on the Mount. Luke only included two sentences on the Sermon on the Mount.

On baptism in Matthew, John the Baptist began preaching through the desert of Judea that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. John invited the people to repent and be cleaned of their sins in the River Jordan. I wonder what John the Baptist meant by the Kingdom of Heaven at hand. I can only guess that it meant Jesus was coming to show them the new way. The Pharisees and the Sadducees wanted to be baptized but without changing their old ways.

Mark talked about how he was going to bathe the people (rather than baptize them) and he was washing for a change of heart. In Mark’s world, everything was on a spiritual level. There was no physical dove. It was a spiritual event. John later did not want to baptize the priest because he recognized that their hearts were not changed.

Luke was the longest book of the four. The Gospel of Luke is probably one of the more interesting books, because Luke never met Jesus and he was also a Gentile. Luke wrote his book for the Roman Emperor. Luke writes about John the Baptist. Luke just talks about John the Baptist preaching to the masses as well as spreading wisdom about how people can prepare for the coming of a messenger of God.

John is one of the most hotly debated Gospels of the Four Gospels. It was written and made available ninety years after the death of Jesus. This Gospel gives a condensed version of what John the Baptist did. John tells the people that he is not the Annointed one, but is there to pave the way for him. John proclaims Jesus is the Son of God. John writes here as if he is talking at people, rather than to the people.

There are so many different versions of the Gospel and each differs from the other. You just can’t get enough of the Gospels. This is the first time I read a Greek translation and it was a very informative point of view.

Rev. Nancy Rutledge


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Master of Religion

Master in Religion at ULC Seminary

Praise the Lord! I truly believe that these lessons was a divine set up by God. I thank God for all these lessons because it has equipped me for full time ministry. I now know that it is in God I move, breath and have my being. I thank God for the first lesson. The first lesson began by showing you clearly that the bible being God true word has many books in total sixty-six. It also showed why the word of God is true because of the many prophecies that has come true. The proper way to approach the word of God is not only to be humble about your acquired knowledge, but also to find belief in God to an effective bible study.

However, lesson two dealt with the Old Testament, and lesson seven along with lessons ten dealt with worship which was most inspiring and uplifting to me. The Old Testament, lesson two, was my favorite because it thought me of the children of Israel and the sins that was done and the different remedy that was used to take away sin. The priest like Moses and Aron along with his sons, was to use a blood sacrifice for the sins of the children of Israel.

Lastly, Lesson seven which topic was Priesthood and Missionary Duties, brought me into my destination in ministry along with the other lessons . I always wanted to be a pastor but I did not know who was a good candidate for being being a pastor. As I read this lesson I know that I was in for ministry. I don't know when but I know that their is a calling on my life to preach the word of God. Overall, this degree was a spiritual encouragement to me and it helped me to reach where I needed to go in the work of God.

A special thanks goes out to you Amy and may God richly bless you.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Four Gospels

When studying the four gospels , the one thing that caught my eye the most was Peters faith as a new christian. The faith that it took for Peter to leave everything behind for a couple of years, like his wife and family and his only way for them to survive like his business of being a fisherman. To follow a man that just said follow me and I will make you fisher of men.

Just because he filled his net with fish by telling him which side of the boat to cast his net down. But just like any new Christian, we all think that we aren't worthy enough to serve god at first just like Peter thought when he said Depart from me o lord for I'm a sinful man, but then Jesus told him fear not for henceforth thou shalt catch men.

Just as peter thought it, all new and some older Christians think it that they aren't worthy enough to serve Jesus. The first step is to submit yourself and acknowledge that you are a sinful creature. (for Jesus did not call the rightness to repentance but the sinners) by your OWN admittance to your sinful life.

When peter told jesus that he was a sinful man he acknowledge that he was lower than to whom he was talking to, that he had no special powers and that he could not control nothing for he was just a sinful average man, that was ashamed of himself insight of the lord . peter act the same way I did when I got saved I was ashamed of what I did in my life and where it was going and that I thought that I wasn't worthy enough to get saved.

Another aspect of peters walk with jesus as a new christian was his faith . as a new christian when they were at sea going over to the other side they saw jesus walking on the water and they were afraid but jesus assured them it was him and peter bid him to come unto the water with him. But when peter was waljking on the water tto jesus he saw the wind and the lighting and he begain to sink and he cried out to jesus saying save me and immediately jesus streched out his arm and pulled peter out of the water and said to him o tho of little faith whence fore didst thou doubt.

To me this is just like all new christians and even some older ones that we belive in jesus enough to get started but as we go along and get further out of our security net just like peter getting futher away from the boat we start to thinking and get distracted from the word of god and then the world starts to set in and your worrying about every day things like how are you going to pay your bill on time,feed your family,or what will happen to your family if you die or get really sick and cant work. And just like Peter did when he got distracted from the word of god ( Jesus) by the things of this world like the wind he started to sink . but he stilled believed enough in Jesus that he was the lord god almighty and that he couldn't do anything in less he was in his life mustered up what faith he had left and cried out to Jesus and said SAVE ME LORD and Jesus pulled him out of the water that was pulling him under, just like life does to us today when we get to caught up in it we get distracted from god and we start to sink.

Another thing that in the beginning of peters walk as a new christian with Jesus was his denial of Jesus three times. I think that we all have denied Jesus to some extent when the heat comes down on us as Christians from the world and we start to give in to them for the fear of some kind of pain wither it be physical or emotional , maybe like getting fired for what you really believe in. Or how some one thinks about someone else and you give in to there thoughts and start to downing them too for the fear of them doing it to you also . just like peter did three times but just like peter was in the beginning as a new christian lacking in faith he went from a lamb to feeding sheep.

It took three and a half years to become a true soldier of christ that started from a man that was sent from heaven that said follow me to a sinful man that became a fisher of men . an example of what a true christian is and what we all will go through and what we will become and when i think that I'm not worthy enough to follow him that called me out of many to feed his sheep for i see the wind blowing all around me i stop and think about the first christian peter and his struggles that he went through following Christ Jesus and things seem to melt away and I'm walking on water again in the word of god. Amen

by Rev. Scott Miller


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Friday, March 2, 2007

Four Gospels

Four Gospels
By Rev. Neal McLaughlin
John 1:14 The word became flesh and his dwelling upon us.

We as people need to communicate with one another through verbalization, gestures of the hands and face or in some form of communication.

Unless we demonstrate who we are, what we believe, how we live and the talents of which we are blessed no one will ever truly get to know us and we will forever remain a mystery.

This also holds true for our Savior! God would have remained a mystery if He had not broken His silence and spoke once; bringing all creations to life upon this earth.

Then when He spoke a second time, His words took the form of man…and The Book of John relates this story of the word in flesh.

When we begin to read the Book of John we can plainly see in the first few paragraphs that John has broken sharply from the styles of Mark, Matthew and Luke.

While the other disciples focus on the events surrounding Jesus as well as telling of His trek throughout the marketplaces and villages; we find that John approaches his writings from a different perspective.

Instead of focusing on the facts of Christ, John assumes that we are familiar with these already, so he writs his story as he had contemplated the profound meaning of Christ and highlights the nature of Christ.

Absent from John’s writings are the mention of Christmas, stables, the Shepard’s, wise men. He actually introduces Jesus as an adult; omitting any mention of His birth and his youthdom.

As we further explore the gospel of John we can se that he ahs selected roughly about 20 days in the life of Jesus and set them so that the presented Christ as one who “knows where He came from and where I am going.” (8:14)

Upon further exploration we find that the overall rhythm of John is that he is stating that Jesus did not simply fall to earth but was sent to do the work of His Father.

According to the Gospel of John; he includes Jesus in the original creation of the Earth but was sent later as the Word to walk among us speaking in a way that we could truly understand.

Many New Testament Christians use the gospel of John as their learning tool as John has taken the basics of faith and wrote them in a clear and concise format. His Gospel also lends credence to who Jesus is and what he has done.

John has also selected seven ( not mentioned prior) signs and miracles and has woven them into a story that conveys their message as well.

Although the Gospel of John is considered to be different in many aspects, the reading of Matthew, Mark and Luke are still vital to the understanding of the Word.


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