Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Four Gospels Course

Four Gospels Study Course
The Four Gospels Course By Mark Carey
Luke Chapter 18 v1-9

I have always found this first story one of the most interesting yet least understood. To me it is about faith. Not just in God, but in the fact that he knows what is best for you and when you should receive things or challenges. It deals with how people pray for help or things. (For themselves for the most part) But when they do not receive the things or the problem for which they prayed is not solved they pray or ask less offend feeling that God is not listening to them. But the faith you should have is that of a child to a parent. Because God loves and protects you as a parent does. We do not always understand why thing happen ( story one ) or why God gives us challenges (story two ). But if you like Matthew chapter 7 v 7-8 Says “ Ask and it will be given you; seek, and Ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that askteth, Receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened” says to and do not quit, talked as you would to a parent who loves their child. It does not mean that we should stop asking or praying just because we got what we wanted or not. But this story is about the fact we should never give up praying to God and ask for his help for others or ourselves. But keep asking, knocking, seeking for God he will help and answer you, but in his time not ours and sometimes when least expect it he gives you want you were asking for even if it something we should have not ask for or it a small thing that we did not really need.

Story One

This has happen to me and I think you will like this little story. It was about two years ago. The day was in late June and it was in the 90’s and so was the humidity. I had to run because I was training for a road race. So after about a half mile or so, I said out loud God please let it cloud up I’m so hot. Well I know you can see this going, it did get cloudy and to my surprise a misty rain I said Thank you God and keep on going. Well after a few more miles I was still very hot. I thanked God for the misty rain again and said, please I’m so hot let it rain harder. Well with in five minutes it rained so hard and the wind got so strong that cars were pulling off the road. We got four inches of rain in a half hour. From that day on I still get a little smile whenever I think of it.

Story Two

It been eight years and I still do not understand why this challenge was given. I still pray for God to give me some light to understand why. I was sick with the flu and had a bad chest cold. After two or three weeks I went to the doctor for help. He gave me some medicine, well after about twenty minutes I started feeling very bad. So I turned around and went back to the doctor’s office. When I got there, I told them that something was wrong and fell to the floor. I remember hear thing like he gone, there’s no pulse, and that my blood pressure was zero. After a few minutes they had me back. The medicine they gave me earlier was one that I was allergic to. I went for able to do running and bike races, to barely able to walk. It has been a hard road back, but I am able to run again.


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