Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Christian Studies

Luke 7 
By Rev. Tabatha St. Louis

Jesus did many great works as he traveled. I was comforted by the attitude of the Roman captain because when he saw that Jesus was coming and he sent his servants to him to tell him that he was not worthy enough to have Jesus in his house. I could only imagine that it had to be a very humbling experience to have Jesus himself coming to your house. If, Jesus were to literally come over to someone’s house would you be ready for him to enter. I would think that it would take a lot of preparation to get ready to receive him because most of us would want our houses to be perfect. I know that I would want to make sure that I had the perfect meal prepared and of course everything in its place.

I have often used this analogy with my children stating that everyday is a day that we should be ready for Jesus to come into our house and it is not because we are so deserving but, because his grace and mercy is sufficient enough. I am often comforted just knowing that Jesus can heal any manner of disease; he can make the blind see, the lame walk only if we believe. Jesus is awesome because he looks at the heart of a person and not at the actions a person did in the past. If, people today really had the heart of Jesus this world would be so much different because there would be a lot more love shown towards others and people would be a lot more willing to help each other.

The woman in this chapter that had washed Jesus feet with her hair and anointed his feet with perfume really set a good example of how we are to serve others. We are to give of ourselves because that’s what Jesus did on a regular basis. The people that witnessed what she was doing thought it was wrong because she was not a clean woman but because Jesus looked at the heart of this woman her sins were forgiven. I am comforted even the more knowing that when you repent and show love to Jesus he will receive you and forgive your sins.

I enjoy reading about the many acts of kindness Jesus performed on everyone not just the rich but more importantly on the poor as well. We all must take on the attitude and disposition of helps praying for those in need and giving to those less fortunate.

Tabatha St. Louis


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