Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Master of Religion

Final Essay
Rev. Tami

The study of Theology through the courses of faith and beliefs brings us back to our own back yard. Meaning often our structure and spiritual roots may be more of what is passed to us, and not necessarily always what resonates within us, as far as religion is concerned. Our Growth depends on our own inner belief and how it resonates through us and by us. This is how we grow spiritually. To personally re-examine, and break down the biblical texts more closely, it brought an array of clarity. To know ourselves and others more profoundly we can spread love and understanding, which can enable us to make a difference in our world by helping others - one person at a time if necessary. It makes us more complete in the service of ministry and missions.

Can we read the words and not embrace the meaning of the message? And yes, I think that can be so. Can we have religion and yet not have it resonate in our spirit? And yes, I think it can be so.
Ahhh but can we learn to grow? Can we learn to grow through understanding by embracing the deeper meaning of faiths as a whole? Yes, I think it can be so.

I found the course to be true to itself, on the basis of Christianity on a world wide perception. It opened the doors of biblical doctrines, through researching what has been written. Giving those, like myself, that selected this course something more to embrace and be compassionate towards within the biblical senses.

I have been on a personal journey of seeking not only my own truth, but the truths of divine faith by spiritual growth. This course afforded certain definite possibilities by illuminating the ideals that are presented in the holy written words. If you are open to see, I truly believe things can be allowed for you to see, no matter what particular faith you adhere to. Sacred Text- whether canonical, apocrypha, or those considered the lost ones, the scriptures personifies the purpose of life. Some are stories that provide powerful lessons in life, while others teach us the deep way the universal energies work. Scriptures give us instructions, teaching us how to be there for one other as neighbors, parents, spouses, and children. They advise us how to live and pray. Some scriptures were letters written to churches ministering to them how to have fellowship, by honoring God. These many letters written by prophets of long ago still hold honor today through these teachings. These sacred texts that have been passed down time and time again, give strength to those who are weak, give courage to those that are scared, give wisdom to those that are lost, and give hope to those that have none. We not only have the wisdom of the prophets, but lessons on their strength to persevere through the judgment of others, by embracing faith. Truly, this brings me to one of the most honored blessing given to us, and one we as humans tend not use as much as we should. I personally feel blessed by this most valued gift, and try to remind myself often not to forget to oblige it. "Judge Not" -- For we need not to judge others, as that is not our job, it will be done in accordance just as we will be judged too. It has given me a deep compassion for FAITH. Learning more so, to appreciate those who may walk a different path, and yet there is a correlation - a parallel within each that it brings us all together. We debate over differences yet seldom seem to embrace the likeness. Which is why I say this, "Though many faiths may use the ! same bib lical scriptures, I think it imperative that we try to find the common threads that bind us, rather than the differences that separate us." Even Christ washed the feet of bums in the street. Those less fortunate, those that where lost. He sought Them out. He did not look down on them, and only visited with those of like mind. No, nor did he bring fear, but to share love and hope. To me that is what it is all about. Whether we call it religion, beliefs, or faiths. It is knowing your own mission and being right with the divine powers that be. To work in the light and do that which is right.

Blessed Be
Always in the Light

Rev Tami


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