Grace be with you, mercy,and peace,from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father,in truth and love.
Pg 48. The marriage must be taken in full aspect of salvation, including union with Christ.Culminating in glorification at the marriage supper. Rejection of the invitation to attend constitutes disloyalty to King,as well as discourtesy to Son. The kingdom had now been expanded to include individual from all races and background there is an election few are chosen. And yet individual response is essential.
Pg 48-49. Christians are responsible for obeying laws, paying taxes, praying for those in authority, and actively speaking out and standing for God and His laws in government. The example of Christian individual in the political system demonstrate how God uses them to be both salt and light to the world.
Pg 50. Lord was emphasizing that service for Him was more important than human position of honor. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility. Leadership position should never be goal in themselves, but should always be viewed as opportunities to serve Him.
Pg 51. Religious leaders living was obtained by extorting wrongfully from others. In the body of Christ today many clergy men are overstating about giving more in tithes and offering when the congregation have more financial need themselves and the church can't help them. They were stumbling blocks in the way of sinners coming to repentance and conversion. Many were looking to their leaders for direction.
Pg 52. Our desire as believer in Christ is to do His will for the country. Jesus longed to gather Israel under his wings. The nation, unlike chicks that naturally run to their mother in time of danger willfully refuse to turn to the Lord. He will remove his presence from nation until the Great Tribulation.
Pg 52-53. As a pregnant woman birth pain indicate that her child will soon be born, so these universal conflicts, and catastrophes will mean the end of this inter advent Age is near.
Pg 56. This metaphor teaches that when Lord return there will be true and false servants. Christ is master and the journey is the inter-advent period. Servants are living during the Tribulation, responsible to represent the interest of the absent Lord. They are each given responsibility according to their individual abilities.
PG 57. Nations are those people living during the Great Tribulation on earth at the time of second coming of Lord. All Gentile will stand before Christ who then separate them the saved, from the lost, in a manner reminiscent of the wheat and tares. Thus, the saved are invited to come into and share the blessing of His kingdom. The basis of their acceptance seems to be their treatment of other in humble service for the Lord.
Pg 58-59. The food or Passover meal. The bread and wine of Passover reinterpreted to signify Jesus sacrificial death for the forgiveness of sins, and the means of covenant renewal for many.
Pg.60. The imperative watch means to keep awake in order to be prepared for whatever might come. The prayer for the cup to pass is not due to Jesus fears of death. Cup represents the wrath of God against sin, which divine wrath Christ would incur on the cross as man's sinbearer.His total submission to the will ofthe Father causes Him to obedient, even substitutionary death.
Yours In Christ,
Andrew Blackman
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