Lesson 1 ~ Spiritual Leadership ~ Essay
By: Rev. Trent Murman, OSM, OSF
Right View and Right Intention mean to you? Having the right view to me is what many ministers may struggle with within themselves. The right view encompasses you steadfast beliefs and unwavering convictions. Having the right intentions is grossly another point. Many people have the right intentions, however these intentions may be somewhat misguided and executed in the wrong way. When this occurs people of the cloth are looked upon as radical or extremists.
So why do morals and ethics as words hold so much fear? I believe the fear comes from within one's self. You know, that little voice inside your mind that tries to fight you against right and wrong. I believe we are so trumped up on what others looking inward at you may feel about you that sometimes it is impossible to hold onto your basic morals. Ethics is another path which should be walked down, it is believable that one acquires ethics from being like a product of his/her environment such as work ethics: if you see your parents going to work every day consistently it is most likely you will develop good work ethics and also go to work every day when you get older. If you see your parents or other family members consistently going to church services: it is most likely you also will continue to go to church services when you leave home. I believe most ethics are learned. It is your sole commitment to develop ethics…good or bad. Remember, these morals and/or ethics are yours and you must live with your decisions. They are yours to own.
I believe I follow my non-negotiable moral ethical conduct.
Because I believe I have strengthened my core convictions and own them totally.
I will continue to stand by my convictions when dealing with all persons of all faiths or even those who do not believe.
I constantly strive to accept all persons as they are and to help only when asked. I believe all persons are blessed to be in His company. GO IN PEACE
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