Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Four Gospels

Hello Amy:

After reading the account of when Jesus went into the temple and overturned the tables of the money changers and chased people out, I would like to add my understanding of this event.

The temple was of course a holy place.  In fact, one area of the temple, the Holy of Holies, was closed off by a very tall curtain.  This area housed the Ark of the Covenant.  Only the High Priest was allowed in this area and only once a year, I believe.  The temple was the house of God and these merchants, thieves and moneychangers were disgracing this holy place by conducting business, showing how they valued money over God, and, no doubt, committed many other sins.  Jesus saw this in the same way that anyone would if they found vandals defacing their parent's home. 

As for the story of the fig tree, perhaps Jesus was demonstrating what happens to disciples that do not bear fruit.  In this very graphic way, Jesus is demonstrating that he can cast you off with a look if you do not bear spiritual fruit.   As Jesus said it in Matthew 10, "So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."

Take care, and may God bless you,

Glenn Kirkland,
"Most people give-up just when they're
about to achieve success." ~ Ross Perot

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Master of Religion

Final Paper
Rev. Dennis W. Zerull

First of all let me begin by saying that I have enjoyed this course and the previous course I have taken in this Seminary. I am not quite sure if "Master of Religion" truly expresses this course. I feel I have personally only scratched the surface of what Religion truly is and certainly have a better understanding of it but do not claim to be a Master over it. So I am humbled by receiving documentation so stating. This course covers a wide variety of areas and does it well but does not clearly cover the historical aspects of religion or the history of Christianity. To do so would take many more hours of study and courses. So I understand the overview in this course but would like to see an even more in depth look at the historical aspects of Christianity at some future point.

With that said let me being to talk about what this course is: Religion. Religion is relationship of devotion or fear of God or gods. The cognate terms translated "religious" and "religion" (Acts 17:22; 25:19) can indicate positive reverence for the gods or else negative fear of the gods. The pejorative translations "superstitious" and "superstition". is unfortunate. Paul hardly alienated the Athenians at the outset of his speech. He rather pointed out to their outward expressions of piety (Acts 17:22).

The cognate term translated "religion" and "religious" in Acts 26:5 and James 1:26-27 point to the "fear of God" as evidenced in religious conduct, particularly ritual practice. In Acts 25:5 Paul referred to Judaism as "our" way of evidencing reverence for God. According to James 1:26-27, one who thinks himself religiously observant but who cannot control the tongue will find religious observance worthless. James continued that the religious observance of God cares about is not a cultic matter but an ethical matter, care of the helpless of society.

The term in Acts 13:43 is rendered "religious" (KJV), "devout" and "God fearing" (NASB). In 1 Timothy 2:10 "religion" is literally "God-fearing", here in the sense of obedient to God's commands. The meaning of the term in NASB translated as "self-made religion" is uncertain (Col..2-23). The Greek roots suggest freely chosen worship (KJV "will worship"; NIV "self-imposed worship": or the RSV, "promoting rigor or devotion".)

Certainly we as Pastors must understand our audience, the people we interact with and counsel. We have responsibility to have a working knowledge of various denominations and belief systems regardless of that fact if we agree with them or not. I believe in the God of my understanding which is basically monotheistic or a believer in one God. And as a spiritual being I understand the connection between fear and reverence proclaimed in most versions of the Bible yet realize at the same time this means to have a sense of obedience to God's commands and live in fear of Him.

Certain modern day religions preach on the basis of fear in order to make its members accept some enlightenment through suffering which means to be forced into the kingdom of heaven kicking and screaming. Those individuals finally surrender because they cannot stand the pain and guilt anymore. Strictly speaking they did not find God through their suffering, because suffering implies resistance. They found God through surrender, through total acceptance of what is. Surely the Prophets of the bible had to have realized on some level that their pain was self-created. One cannot find God, because how can you find that which was never lost, the very life that you are. God- realization is the most natural thing there is. Spiritual Mentor Ekhart Tolle puts is beautifully. "The amazing incomprehensible fact is not that you can become conscious of God but that you are not conscious of God".

Mastering ones religion simply means that one understands the way God's commands apply to your life. It means that the worst things in life, your cross, turns sometimes into the best thing that ever happened to you, by forcing you into surrender fully living in the present were God exists and forcing you to become as nothing, to become as God- because God, too is no-thing.

This course has opened many doors for me personally and has touched on many aspects of modern day life that we as Pastor's may encounter. Drug and alcohol abuse, spousal situations, teenage problems, political issues. The list goes on. I continue to study and trust God in all matters. I try and live in the present and surrender to the moment when I need to and show compassion and avoid conflict and self created pain by my own mind. when this is done the realm of being in which God exists opens up. Suddenly, a great stillness arises. It is peace and within that peace you will find joy and within that joy you will find love. And at the innermost core, there is the scared, the immeasurable.

May God Bless you all,

Rev. Dennis Zerull


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in different aspects of  Christianity, two in  Wicca, several in Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so become an ordained minister today!

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have enjoyed the new spiritual article directory.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Christian Studies

The Four Gospels Course Essay
Carol Birdwell

This course came with a book with it which was sent by mail and titled The Unvarnished Gospels. It is a contemporary (2001) translation from the original Greek, by Andy Gaus. When I began to read this book, I could not stop. I read it straight through without thought of how it was to have been interwoven with the weekly lessons, AFTER I finished the lessons.

I started the course, and continued with the lessons that came by email week after week. I totally forgot about the book, so I did not study the lessons and the book together as was intended for this course. I suppose I believe it was the best way for me to study the course simply because that is how it happened for me.

When I finished the weekly lessons, I realized the book was here. I had taken no notice of it.

Once I discovered the book I became mesmerized by it. I carried the book with me everywhere I went so that I could read in it during those spare minutes of waiting somewhere.

I intend to read the book again and again. I also intend to study the lessons and the book together as it was intended to be studied.

I have never read the Gospels through like this before. I have read them in bits and pieces during my lifetime and in following preachers during sermons. I have read bits and pieces in reading quotes in my Daily Word.

I read this book straight through like one would read a novel. I absolutely LOVED it! If I knew where I could find more books of the Bible written in the language of today, I believe I would read all I could find, based on how much I enjoyed this book. Thank you so very much! (If you can advise other similarly excellent Bible translations in the language of today, please let me know!)

In this book, in today’s everyday language, so many things that were never clear to me, were made clear to me for the very first time in my life, despite rather a lot of Bible exposure during my life.

One very important thought was that the word “Spirit” was made more vital, more clear and meaningful, when translated as “breath”, the very breath we breathe to live. WOW! What a concept!

In this translation it is so clear to me that Jesus was the teacher that I believe he came to be, that he did not come to start a new religion, to die for our sins (of simply “missing the mark”), but to teach a way of life that we all are meant to live, that is there for us and was taught by him for us, as it likewise was by all other avatars and great teachers throughout history.

I believe that the Gospels were written long after the life and death of Jesus and the stories were first passed down verbally from generation to generation, like our family stories and the living through our world history are passed down verbally today.

Many of us who study genealogy gather what we know from word of mouth, from the family stories, long before we ever are able to find the proof of the events we hear about, if ever. Sometimes the stories are a little, or even a lot, different from the proof we may eventually find.

Thank you.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in different aspects of  Christianity, two in  Wicca, several in Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so become an ordained minister today!

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have enjoyed the new spiritual article directory.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bible Questions

Hello Amy:

"... so what does Jesus mean here?  Is the end of the world really going to happen?  Or might he be talking about something else?

Jesus is talking about the day when God will come and there will be a new Israel upon the Earth. 

Isaiah 65:17 Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Jesus also warns to stay true to God and not wait to clean up your act the day before His return.  For He will come like a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:2 and 2 Peter 3:10
"... for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."
Now, there are many signs that one might say point to the end times being near.  Also, there are prophets that have pointed to December 21, 2012 (my 50th B-Day).  But, God told us that no one would know the hour or the day!  But, perhaps the beginning of the end might start on that day.  We must be ever vigilant and not fall asleep, spiritually.

Glenn Kirkland,
"Most people give-up just when they're
about to achieve success." ~ Ross Perot
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Christian Studies

A Higher Calling-One Firefighter's Perspective
By Bob Firestine

My name is Bob and I have been a professional firefighter for 22 years. I love my job because I get to help people, some of whom are experiencing the darkest and most desperate moments of their lives. I love to be able to show them compassion and concern when they need it most. On July 26, 2001, I had an experience, which was to this point, one of the most trying times of my life. A friend and fellow firefighter at my department was killed in the line of duty as the result of a very bizarre accident. My friend, Kirk, was as nice and as positive a guy as you could ever hope to know. He was a professional member of the fire service, a sincere friend to many and a dedicated husband and father. His death hit me hard. I found myself struggling against acceptance, which made it nearly impossible to put the loss behind me and move on.

I was on duty the morning of September 11th, 2001. I awoke at 6:00 a.m. and telephoned our dispatch center to confirm my station assignment for the day. During our conversation, the dispatcher heard the news that two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center. I turned on the TV, woke up my captain, called home to my wife and son, and then called my daughter, a UC Berkeley student, to let them know that we were being attacked by terrorists. After watching the first few images of the second airliner slamming into the building, my captain, Bill remarked "I'm going to go on record as saying that building is coming down," then he added "I wonder how many firemen are going to die today?" We sat there in front of the TV, sipping coffee, and helplessly watching in silent horror as his observation unfolded into reality.

Because of Kirk's death at our department, only six weeks previous, I knew too well the unbearable pain that the surviving members of the New York Fire Department were suffering. Although I was across the country, my recent emotional wounds were freshly re-opened and I was feeling that I had just lost 300 more of my brothers. They had been murdered, these heroes, the best of the good guys. How could I begin to cope with this tragedy? Once the initial shock began to wear off, that of myself as well as the entire nation and the world, I was compelled to investigate the reason for this terrible event. I watched the news, listened to talk radio, read from the internet, and talked to many people. The best reason that I could determine was that this tragedy was brought on by hatred. With this theory in mind, the first place I looked to find fault was in the mirror. I could see right away that I hated these men, these despicable monsters, for what they had done. This hatred, along with the frustration and grief for all those murdered brothers, felt like a fire burning deep inside of me, all the way to my very soul. This fire was out of control and I, a skilled firefighter, could think of no way to put it out. It occurred to me that I was going to need help, so I asked God to help me.

I can't pinpoint the exact moment when I began to receive the help I prayed for, but I know that it began to come soon after I asked. After a long dark period, I once again felt love coming back into my life. It felt so good that I decided to cast out the hate from my heart. It wasn't easy by any means, but the rewards were well worth it. I began to see things in a different light, that being the light of Love. However, I could still see much hatred around me. People were busy making allegations and placing blame. Some were blaming the former President, some were blaming the business community and some were blaming different groups of people. From what I could determine, they were just doing it to have someone to blame, so they could channel their hatred to press their respective agendas. I went back to the mirror, then I came up with my own reason for this tragedy; there must be a fire in Heaven. This fire was started by Evil and is fueled by hatred. It started small, on earth, and has reached all the way to Heaven. Why else would God have taken my friend Kirk away from his wife and five-year-old son? It must be burning out of control, because on September 11th God called upon another 343 of the best firefighters on Earth. What will happen if these brave heroes are not able to get the fire under control? If this fire was caused by Evil and fueled by hatred, then only Love can help to extinguish this blaze.

It is easy to hate. You can hate Mondays. You can hate cold coffee. You can hate the person that just cut you off in traffic. Certainly you can hate Osama bin Laden. The great challenge is to cast out the hate, at every level from which it is manifested. Hatred fuels the fires of Evil. Love is the water that will help extinguish them.

Please remember the heroes of September. They gave their lives for this mission. They traded the love of their own families to help people they didn't even know. It was their sworn duty and they performed it proudly. Don't let them be forgotten as they fight the battle for eternity. Honor them with Love, Love for all mankind. It is the only way for them to win the battle.

Bob Firestine


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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