Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

St Paul

This is my first experience studying anyone particular St. in depth. I found the course easy to follow and understand.

Taking the time to look up each of the Bible versus outlined in each lesson was a wonderful experience for me. As I reflected back on my growing up years the lessons read at Church each Sunday took on a new meaning to me. Of course at the time I was growing up we did not dig as deeply into any Bible Study as I have been doing lately. As I prepared Messages for our Sunday Worship Services during the last twenty weeks I was able to use the Lessons sent each week from ULC Seminary to have a clearer understanding of the Epistles and then relate them to those attending our Services. I look forward to being able to continue this process throughout the rest of this year.

After completing this course I now understood why in the first lesson you would write that Paul was the ‘chief of saints’. The life St. Paul led was one devoted to living out the teachings of Christ. If we could all follow this Christian experience what a better world we would live in.

Thank you for the last few lessons particularly on What is Sin? And What is Grace?
My prayer is that I will be able to use these lessons in helping our congregation understand these to important lessons as we move forward in our church development.

Lesson nineteen Life’s Big Question added the scripture for that perfect healthy diet, agricultural and economic policy. Thank you for those enlightening versus.

It would not be right not to comment on Lesson Twenty Spiritual Gifts. One of the requirements for an individual joining our congregation is that they complete a Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of 168 questions to determine what gifts an individual will bring to the congregation. This is a great help in getting a new person volunteering in the area that they are best suited for at that time.

I look forward to continuing my education through ULC Seminary,

Rev. Don Eck


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Four Gospels

A Reflection on the Parable of the Good Samaritan

The power, relevance and intense meaningfulness of the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10, 25-37) has particular resonance at the present time as we reflect on some of the theological controversies tearing Christians apart and distracting from the fundamental message and impact of Christ’s legacy. In particular, a virtual schism in the Anglican Communion, as events are acted out in the United Kingdom, the USA and Africa, is threatening to tear that Church apart. Many of us in the Universal Life Church with its principles of tolerance and acceptance, will surely find it well-nigh impossible to comprehend the legalistic nature of this debate which concentrates upon minute points of interpretative exegesis at the expense of those virtues of understanding, outreach and brotherhood which would seem to be the way forward if contemporary religious bodies are to provide the guidance and spiritual counsel for which this age of uncertainty and shifting moral values cries out.

As a corrective, the parable of the Samaritan could be said to encapsulate, on a number of levels, the essential meaning and timeless appeal of the Christian message and outreach which should never be forgotten however intense the theological debate may become. Initially, it may seem to be just a lesson in social responsibility that is universally applicable (and, indeed, it can be seen as such) but it is crafted in such a way as to suggest a new beginning for followers of Christ and to underline the inadequacy of the pre-existing Law. The questioner (almost an interrogator) is a religious lawyer who seems to epitomise the genre; his in-depth knowledge of all 613 points of the Torah appears to afford him authority and certainty, but it can also be seen as a barrier to a true relationship with God. Instead of allowing easy access for those who wished to approach God, the system was obsessed with regulations and caveats which made communion with God more of an obstacle course than a spiritual journey designed to weed out and reject rather than welcome the sinner.

Jesus clearly has learned how to deal with this mindset; he answers the lawyer’s initial question (verse 25) with another question (verse 26) – a typical lawyer’s ploy, some would say - and when the lawyer responds by quoting from the Law (verse 27), Jesus applauds him and agrees that that is the proper way. The lawyer, however, is not satisfied with this and asks a supplementary question, perhaps hoping to disconcert or trick Jesus and this provides the trigger for the parable.

On a superficial level, the parable is a well-chosen example designed to appeal to his audience and drawn from the contemporary context. One long section of the Jerusalem-Jericho road, was so perilous and notorious for robberies and assaults on travelers, many of whom would be priests or temple-officers traveling back and forth, that it had been named The Way of Blood. Doubtless, as in contemporary British society, plagued by knife-crime, the received wisdom was not to ‘have a go’ but to pass discreetly ‘on the other side’ so as to avoid a similar fate. The priest and the Levite do just this, but the Samaritan, regarded by the Jews as an outcast and unbeliever, not only stops to administer first aid but gives generously of his time and money to help the victim to recover fully. Asked the ‘killer’ question by Jesus, the lawyer has no choice but to say, probably reluctantly, that the Samaritan was the good neighbour. This seems to convey the underlying meaning that the standards preached by Jesus apply to all communities and ethnic groups not merely to those whom God has allegedly chosen. The parable, in its entirety, also suggests that the Samaritan really represents Jesus, whose intervention is required if such rigorous standards are ever to be met; the implication is clear: that the priests, despite all their minute regulation, their continual sacrifices and almost obsessive compulsive attitude to religion, fall woefully short in this regard. It is Jesus who will safeguard the traveler on ‘the journey’ and sustain them in times of trial or flagging spirits.

Let us pray that this simple but powerful message may remain uppermost in the minds of those who are inclined towards controversy and schism at the expense of the spiritual needs of those to whom they minister.

From: Rev. Graham Louden (UK)


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics, as well as courses in Mystical Christianity, Buddhism and Comparative Religion. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

Four Gospels

Contradictions and inconsistencies are numerous in the book of John, as many statements seem to negate the major theme and strengths of previous books, which emphasize love and nonjudgmental attitude toward others. Here, in parts of the book of John these major points are somewhat negatively modified.

In chapter 15 Jesus takes the glory for himself with the statement no one can bear any fruit without him. It is more about following the words of Jesus than following God’s words. By doing this in the writings he creates a separateness, divisive attitude among people in fact excluding those that may have a different point of view, a different belief system in place, a path that doesn’t include Jesus being the one and the only way to God.

The stories do seem to be written bluntly and in a more direct way. It is his (Jesus’) way or the highway. There is no room for questions or misinterpretations, or discussions. Freedom for a person to reflect on the words of Jesus and show their love for God is not possible if not through Jesus. You must and can only be granted a place in heaven by being a student and believer in Jesus. This is exclusionary and judgmental of other great religions that may share messages that are valid and very similar in many areas. With this divisive language it changes the focus of previous books to now the messenger IS the message.

There are other areas of the book that I feel are positive and supportive and that enhance positive growth for the followers. Why are there injustices in the world? Why is a person born with afflictions? This section brings insight to dispel thoughts of a curse by God but rather emphasizes that the person is an instrument to bring forth lessons to others that could not have been conveyed and achieved without their affliction. To learn all the lessons one needs to learn you must and will get different perspectives based on perhaps a series of incarnations. That may include different genders, races, physical handicaps, etc. Spirit lives on and is everlasting and this is what Jesus was showing people with the resurrection.

There is however inconsistencies here in John concerning judgmental attitudes. Though he espouses that “only through me” as previously discussed, here in chapter 12 he expresses how important people’s works and deeds will judge them. “What comes around goes around”, “Judge not lest ye be judged”. And in chapter 13 when Jesus washed the feet of other students he was basically supporting the idea that all people are equal and no man is above another; a symbol of equality.

The fact that there are so many obvious contradictions and inconsistencies supports the possibility that there were not only different authors but they were written during different times and circumstances reflecting such diverse interpretations.

Rev. Denise Ostopo-Gliozzi


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics, as well as courses in Mystical Christianity, Buddhism and Comparative Religion. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

Life of St. Paul

When, I first heard about St. Paul, I didn't want to know him, never mind study about him. The truth is, I felt something was not quite Kosher about the great St.Paul. I fought the idea of taking a course about him.

I do consider myself an honest and just person, so I decided that it was not fair to judge this man, simply because I didn't like the cut of his chin.

St. Paul proved to be a very strong idealist and warrior for his beliefs, even if they may be wrong.

It takes a strong man to admit, not only to himself but the world that he has made a mistake.

He got up on his high horse a "Prosecutor" and fell off, only to get up a "Protector"

Once converted, St. Paul pursued his task with vehemence and stalwart dedication. He gave his all. No holding back for any reason.

It was written, that St. Paul came to interpret Christ's teachings. At first, this really angered me. For, I felt that Christ needed no interpreter. Christ spoke plainly and in the language of the people. The fact that they did not accept His teachings or misunderstood them, was to do with their own limitations. After reading and researching St. Paul's interpretations, I understood what he was trying to do.

There were many people out there saying and teaching some wild and crazy ideas and calling it Christ's teachings. St. Paul was not so much interpreting, as correcting the teachings that were being spread by others.

The other thing that bothered me, is when St. Paul spoke of the women in the church. That they should be SILENT. 1 COR 14:34-35 That if they have any questions, they should wait to ask their husbands when they have returned to their homes. That's when I almost put the book down and walked away.

But I began to think of St. Paul........

Paul = Hebrew =Hebrew upbringing = ancient times = belief women are property and not even allowed to have an education =male chauvinism at it's peak = Paul didn't know any better.

Paul, as always, used what he knew. It was what it was. The world was run this way at the time. I would hope that if St. Paul showed up now, he would have a different view.

After all, God did not knock down Joseph and take a rib from his side and create, Jesus. God chose a woman. A woman was at the center of this most sacred act. Somehow, I feel God does not think of women as such low creatures. The vessel of womanhood held the Son of God.


Thank you for this course. I have learned a great deal about St. Paul and I have learned to respect him. I have also been made stronger and prouder in my own Sacred Feminism.

+Peace of Christ to all.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.