Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Four Gospels

Contradictions and inconsistencies are numerous in the book of John, as many statements seem to negate the major theme and strengths of previous books, which emphasize love and nonjudgmental attitude toward others. Here, in parts of the book of John these major points are somewhat negatively modified.

In chapter 15 Jesus takes the glory for himself with the statement no one can bear any fruit without him. It is more about following the words of Jesus than following God’s words. By doing this in the writings he creates a separateness, divisive attitude among people in fact excluding those that may have a different point of view, a different belief system in place, a path that doesn’t include Jesus being the one and the only way to God.

The stories do seem to be written bluntly and in a more direct way. It is his (Jesus’) way or the highway. There is no room for questions or misinterpretations, or discussions. Freedom for a person to reflect on the words of Jesus and show their love for God is not possible if not through Jesus. You must and can only be granted a place in heaven by being a student and believer in Jesus. This is exclusionary and judgmental of other great religions that may share messages that are valid and very similar in many areas. With this divisive language it changes the focus of previous books to now the messenger IS the message.

There are other areas of the book that I feel are positive and supportive and that enhance positive growth for the followers. Why are there injustices in the world? Why is a person born with afflictions? This section brings insight to dispel thoughts of a curse by God but rather emphasizes that the person is an instrument to bring forth lessons to others that could not have been conveyed and achieved without their affliction. To learn all the lessons one needs to learn you must and will get different perspectives based on perhaps a series of incarnations. That may include different genders, races, physical handicaps, etc. Spirit lives on and is everlasting and this is what Jesus was showing people with the resurrection.

There is however inconsistencies here in John concerning judgmental attitudes. Though he espouses that “only through me” as previously discussed, here in chapter 12 he expresses how important people’s works and deeds will judge them. “What comes around goes around”, “Judge not lest ye be judged”. And in chapter 13 when Jesus washed the feet of other students he was basically supporting the idea that all people are equal and no man is above another; a symbol of equality.

The fact that there are so many obvious contradictions and inconsistencies supports the possibility that there were not only different authors but they were written during different times and circumstances reflecting such diverse interpretations.

Rev. Denise Ostopo-Gliozzi


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics, as well as courses in Mystical Christianity, Buddhism and Comparative Religion. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

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