Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mystical Christianity

Final Essay Submitted For The 

Master of Mystical Christianity Course
By Daniel L. Moore
"What Is Mystical About Christianity?"

            Growing Christians, and some who are not, do wonder about the early history of the church.  Occasionally some ancient document related to early Christianity will be found that archeologists and scholars will study.  Some of these documents will often present ideas that seem foreign to orthodox Christian beliefs.  What is a person to do?  Is there something "hidden?"  Do we really have the truth?  These are legitimate questions to ask when one notes that transmission of documents and tradition within the Christian faith has not been smooth.  Wars, persecutions, and divisions within Christendom has caused some degree of loss and confusion.

            I believe some people have had a fascination with the secret and mysterious aspects of faith.  Some do so because they may have experienced oppression.  Others do so because they are not satisfied with the status quo.  Some are like me will study Mystical Christianity with an academic curiosity.
            This course does not limit itself to just the Christian era.  It begins with Genesis.  How did the world come into being?  Other ideas and myths are presented.  The text in question is "re-interpreted."  The danger with this approach is the tendency to diminish the value of God's Word.  It makes it less than divine revelation into a human invention. 
            Another reason for diving into the creation account is to find some way to deal with the feminine side of humanity.  Certain groups within history and within the church have downplayed or suppressed the contribution of women to faith and spirituality.  In several parts of this course it is the work of particular men seeking to instill a patriarchal system.  This does need further study.
            The Person of Jesus Christ is studied at length.  Along with Jesus, this course seeks to elevate other women who worked with Him:  Mary and Mary Magdalene.  In truth, we know very little about these two women from the four Gospels.  The non-canonical gospels are considered in this study as advancing more about these two women of faith.  The trouble with any dependence upon the non-canonical gospels is that they were written after the last witnesses of the resurrection of Christ died.  There were over 500 of them who could verify what Jesus (and these women) taught.  With them out of the way, it is possible that error could creep in and maybe why the early church did not support these other documents. 
     Mary Magdalene is given a lot of space in this course.  There are only 18 verses about her in the four Gospels.  She is a disciple and a witness of the resurrection.  She is not mentioned in Acts.  There is the Gospel of Mary, a non-canonical document, that is fragmentary which some view as revealing a division between Mary and Peter.  

     I wished the author had spent more time on the writings of mystical Christians like Teresa of Avila.  This was what I was hoping for.  These were the ones who spent time in meditation, prayer, and Bible study.  They wrote about their experiences.  This was particularly prevalent in the times of the rise of the monastic movement.  But alas, this discourse took a turn into the practices of the Eastern religions.  The discussion turned to reincarnation and seeking one's ascension.  Neither are supported by the scriptures.
            I did learn how others view Christianity.  I did come to understand the views of those who seek to blend other philosophies and beliefs in an attempt to make Christianity more "palatable" to them.  This course actually caused me to get back into the Scriptures and to compare.  I have left this course with a stronger belief in the orthodoxy of the Christian faith that I possess.  


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1 comment:

  1. Rev. Moore,

    I feel called to respond to your final essay for my course which Amy was kind enough to forward to me. First of all, let me say that I am gratified to know that you were interested enough and willing to explore material which is obviously outside your comfort zone. I clearly had a different audience in mind when I wrote this course and it was never my intent to question or subvert anyone's belief system, or even further, try to convert them to mine. My purpose was simply to present alternative ways of understanding the history of sacred Scripture and Christianity. I have a Master of Divinity degree from a well-known seminary and some 30 years experience working and teaching in the ever-shifting sands of Christianity and interpreting its sacred texts.

    Having said this, let me share a few assumptions with you that form the foundation for "The Faith That Time Forgot." First, I would define a "mystic" most basically as someone who desires a dialogue with God. However, the simplicity of that definition is deceptive, because down through the ages mystics have often been radicals and rebels, at odds with their church and the governing hierarchy. If you believe and have concrete evidence that you are receiving inspiration and revelation directly from God, why would you need a bishop, a hierarchy, even a priest? Many mystics, including Teresa of Avila, found an uncomfortable compromise to this issue and managed to remain within the traditional church structure. Many more did not and were hounded, persecuted and even burned at the stake for their faith in a God who continues to reveal the Divine mysteries to humanity over time. This is continuing revelation and I deeply believe that it continues in our day. The God that I know and love is not silent, not passive but active and involved in our world, speaking to men and women across our planet. Thank God this is true!

    I would conclude with some other comments that correct inaccuracies in your essay. First, to my knowledge, Mary the mother of Jesus is not mentioned in the Gnostic or non-canonical Biblical texts. The feminine presence in this material is either Sophia or Mary Magdalene, not Mother Mary. I am puzzled by your comments regarding Teresa of Avila. I cannot help wondering if you actually finished the course. In Lesson 20 you will find a great deal of material on Teresa of Avila and another gifted medieval mystic, Julian of Norwich. And then Lesson 21 goes on to our time with Matthew Fox, a contemporary mystic and prophet.

    Regarding reincarnation, yes it is much better known and accepted in the East than in the West, but my point in Lessons 16-18 is that there is plenty of evidence to support the belief in reincarnation within Christianity, found even the Gospels themselves. Early 2nd century bishops supported it and there is evidence that Jews of the time of Jesus believed in it. He
    himself may have even taught it. I highly recommend a book by Herbert Puryear, a believing Christian, entitled "Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation."

    Thank you for investing your time and energy in this material. I hope my response may inspire you to go back and re-read some of the later lessons.

    I believe there are nuggets of truth waiting there for you.
    Many blessings,

    Mother Maryesah Karelon, OMM
