Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Book of Mark Part 1

Grace unto you,and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pg. 71. To be a Christian: one must believe in the message of Christ endeaver to follow His teaching. Repent and believe the gospel. By turning from sin and to righteousness, not just outwardly but with the heart. Putting trust in his message for remission of sins.
Pg 71b. We learn here that simplicity should characterize all who are servants of the Lord as John did.
Pg.71c. The power of the Holy Spirit is indespensable. A person may be educated, talented,and fluent, yet without that mysterious quality which we call unction, his service is lifeless and ineffective. The question is basic, have I had an experience of theHoly Spirit empowering me for the service of the Lord.
Pg 72. Fishing is an art, and so is soul winning. We become fishers of men by following Christ. The more like Him we are, the more successful we will be in winning others to Christ. Our responsibility is to follow Him; He will take care of the rest.
Pg 72b.Everyone who teaches the Word of God should speak with authority or not speak at all. Whenever God works, Satan opposes. All who set out to serve the Lord can expect to be opposed every step of the way.
Pg 73. Prayer should not be a matter of personal convenience but of self-discipline and sacrifice. Leper healing this was a test, first of all, of the man's obedience. Would he do as he was told? He did not; he publicized his case,and as a result, he hindered work of the Lord. It was also a test of the priest discernment.
Pg 73-74. There are usually hindrance in bring others to Christ. But faith ingenious. Someone has nicked name these good friends, sympathy, cooperation, originality,and persistence. We each should strive to be a friend who display these quality.
Pg 74.Belief involves the will, and they did not want to believe. Priest did not believe, in spite of many miracles of most overwhelming evidence performed by the Lord.
Pg. 74c. Summon or call. We must drop everything. Each of us should be like Matthew, instant and unquestioning obedience. It might seem like a great sacrifice at the time, but in eternity it will be seen as no sacrifice at all. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.
Pg 75. The joy and effervescence of the new life must be allowed to express themselves. Christianity has always suffered from man's attempt to mix it with legalism. Law and grace are opposing principle.
Pg 75b.  Christians are not obligated to keep the Sabbath. That day was given to the nation of Israel. The distinctive day of Christianity is the Lord's Day, the first day of the week.However, it is not a day encrusted with legalistic do's and don't. Rather it is a day of privilege free from secular employments, believer's may worship, service,and attend to the culture of their soul.
 Pg. 75-76. We must depend upon the instruction from the Father as to where and when to serve. We learn from the Savior's minsitry that needs does not constitute a call.
Pg 76.  Here is a basic principles of service. We must spend time with Him before we move out as God's representatives. Proclamation of the Word of God, our basic method of evangelism. Today men have access to the complete Word of God; they are responsible to believe it without the proof of miracles.
Pg. 76-77. The more like Christ we are, the more  we too will experience sorrow of being misunderstood by relatives and friends. If we set out to make a fortune, men  will cheer us. If we are fanatics for Christ, they will jeer us.
Pg. 77. This passage reminds us that believers are bound by stronger cord to fellow-Christian than they are to blood-relations when those relatives are unsaved.
Pg. 77-78. The Word of God would be sown during interim period with varying degrees of success. Some people would actually be converted, but others would be only nominal believers. All professing Christians would be in the kingdom in its outward form, but only genuine ones would enter the kingdom in its inner reality.
Pg. 79-80. It encourages us to go to Christ in all storms of life, knowing that te boat can never sink when He is in it. The soul of the man wa worth more than all the pigs in the world. Evangelism begins at home!
Pg. 81.It is impossible to be ever so near Lord without trusting him, but impossible to touch Him by faith WITHOUT his knowing it and without his knowing it and without being healed.
Pg 81-82. Open confession of Christ is of tremdeous importance. Without it there can be little growth in Christian life. A s we take our stand boldly for Him, He floods our soul with full assurance of faith. Souls that have known the throb of new life need to be fed. On way a disciple can manifest his love for the Savior is by feeding His sheep.
Pg. 82. Often the servants of the Lord appear in humbe guise.Are we able to look beyond outward appearnaces and recognize true spiritual worth?
Pg 83. The anointing with oi,. I believe was a symbolic gesture picturing th soothing, alleviatiing power of the Holy Ghost.
Pg 84. It would be well for us if we need  thus to reest more; that is, to say, if our labors were so abundant, our self-dednying efforts for the blessing of others were so continual that we could be sure that this was the Lord's word for us.
Pg.84b. Feedign of the five thousand. the disciples saw a picture of how the Savior would give himself to be bread of life for a starving world.His body would be broken that others might have eternal life.
Pg 84-85. The church has seen in this miracles a picture of the present age and its close. Jesus on the mountain represents Hrist in His present ministry in heaven, interceding for hi speople. The disciple represent His servant, buffeted by the storms and trials o flife. Soon the Savior will return to His own, deliver them from danger and dstress and guide the safe to the heavenly shore.

Yours in Christ,
Andrew Blackman

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