Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Four Gospels

When studying the four gospels , the one thing that caught my eye the most was Peters faith as a new christian. The faith that it took for Peter to leave everything behind for a couple of years, like his wife and family and his only way for them to survive like his business of being a fisherman. To follow a man that just said follow me and I will make you fisher of men.

Just because he filled his net with fish by telling him which side of the boat to cast his net down. But just like any new Christian, we all think that we aren't worthy enough to serve god at first just like Peter thought when he said Depart from me o lord for I'm a sinful man, but then Jesus told him fear not for henceforth thou shalt catch men.

Just as peter thought it, all new and some older Christians think it that they aren't worthy enough to serve Jesus. The first step is to submit yourself and acknowledge that you are a sinful creature. (for Jesus did not call the rightness to repentance but the sinners) by your OWN admittance to your sinful life.

When peter told jesus that he was a sinful man he acknowledge that he was lower than to whom he was talking to, that he had no special powers and that he could not control nothing for he was just a sinful average man, that was ashamed of himself insight of the lord . peter act the same way I did when I got saved I was ashamed of what I did in my life and where it was going and that I thought that I wasn't worthy enough to get saved.

Another aspect of peters walk with jesus as a new christian was his faith . as a new christian when they were at sea going over to the other side they saw jesus walking on the water and they were afraid but jesus assured them it was him and peter bid him to come unto the water with him. But when peter was waljking on the water tto jesus he saw the wind and the lighting and he begain to sink and he cried out to jesus saying save me and immediately jesus streched out his arm and pulled peter out of the water and said to him o tho of little faith whence fore didst thou doubt.

To me this is just like all new christians and even some older ones that we belive in jesus enough to get started but as we go along and get further out of our security net just like peter getting futher away from the boat we start to thinking and get distracted from the word of god and then the world starts to set in and your worrying about every day things like how are you going to pay your bill on time,feed your family,or what will happen to your family if you die or get really sick and cant work. And just like Peter did when he got distracted from the word of god ( Jesus) by the things of this world like the wind he started to sink . but he stilled believed enough in Jesus that he was the lord god almighty and that he couldn't do anything in less he was in his life mustered up what faith he had left and cried out to Jesus and said SAVE ME LORD and Jesus pulled him out of the water that was pulling him under, just like life does to us today when we get to caught up in it we get distracted from god and we start to sink.

Another thing that in the beginning of peters walk as a new christian with Jesus was his denial of Jesus three times. I think that we all have denied Jesus to some extent when the heat comes down on us as Christians from the world and we start to give in to them for the fear of some kind of pain wither it be physical or emotional , maybe like getting fired for what you really believe in. Or how some one thinks about someone else and you give in to there thoughts and start to downing them too for the fear of them doing it to you also . just like peter did three times but just like peter was in the beginning as a new christian lacking in faith he went from a lamb to feeding sheep.

It took three and a half years to become a true soldier of christ that started from a man that was sent from heaven that said follow me to a sinful man that became a fisher of men . an example of what a true christian is and what we all will go through and what we will become and when i think that I'm not worthy enough to follow him that called me out of many to feed his sheep for i see the wind blowing all around me i stop and think about the first christian peter and his struggles that he went through following Christ Jesus and things seem to melt away and I'm walking on water again in the word of god. Amen

by Rev. Scott Miller


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