Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount at ULC Seminary
The Sermon on the Mount Study One,

The sermon on the mount

From a different point of view concerning the sermon on the mount it must be described as the story of a great and powerful king, a strong, from of an all loving father and His children. His children that he loved more than it was possible for humanity to yet have experience while still remaining in unrestricted shells called bodies.

The sermon was the message of a loving and devoted father to those children of his that he had created out of love and a strong desire to share his life in this awesome creation of His, known as the heavens. How easy for us humans to understand the concept of this love, yet being only human we could never fully understand the debts that he The Father could indeed have felt concerning His beloved

His message had come at a time of great despair for human kind. Times of great confusion and a strong sense of loss, that can only be described as the great void. Our sin had created such a chasm so deep, so unimaginable that they might have felt such loneliness and great desperation of ever touching the heart of their God ever again. Without hope, there would be only blackness, without hope why would we want to continue to ever long to escape into the light ever again. In that light we would find great piece and all those answers we now seek of him as humans.
The desire of His children to be with their father again.

God so loved the world, his humanity that he gave his only begotten Son. How much more could he have loved His own Son that he loved humanity. A sacrifice that broke His heart but nevertheless His Son choose of his own free will out of Love for his father and his beloved children called man.

He gave us the most wonderful greeting to say when we gave of ourselves to talk with the father. He gave us a guide to greet him out of Love and respect. Of whom He was. And what He meant to us. To Humble ourselves before Him in honour of all that he have given us is so many ways. To give thanks in private, to open ourselves in fullness to him as not to hide anything from Him, to have total faith in all that we shared with him. For to love and honour Him for the Holy awesomeness of the parent, protector that he is.

In return He asked us to pay an expensive price. A price with an exact and calculated amount. To love one another as we would love ourselves. To believe that His son is the Christ Jesus, To give Him your heart totally. And to always remember there is no other name under the heavens for salvation, no other but this Jesus Christ. To believe upon Him.

Jesus gave us the will and the hope to go on in very uncertain times of great turmoil and hopelessness, this time of great despair had beaten us down to a state of total surrender. The will to fight anymore had been lost for a great many years. Till this message shown forth a ray of hope, a light shine through the blackness and the void. Something had changed in the heavens that day, that moment had changed mankind forever more.

I would have loved to have been there that day, and to have heard Him speak in great clarity and as one with great authority. To have heard his voice proclaim to all those there that today was the beginning of something quite good. To have seen the sparkle in His eyes when he spoke of all that was to come. To feel in the air all around Him the energy that came forth from him, that declared that he was The Christ that was promised so long ago. That the profits had been fulfilled that very day.

The sermon on the mount study two

Sermon on the Mount

In the Sermon on the mount is were the Word was made in human form to reiterate God̢۪s plane for mankind.( in this point of human history) all the words would now come together to explain wonderfully the plan God had for His Mankind.( His beloved Children). A plan designed by the Father to be carried out by the Son, The decision had to be of the Son's own free will. To continue the Fathers plan of the salvation of humanity or not. He had a choice. He has chosen us.

He spoke as one with authority. His message was one of hope and conviction. He had a plan for the salvation of humanity. And it was here at this time Jesus had chosen to proclaim to all humanity His Fathers plan. The seed had been planted, it was up to humanity to see if it would be nurtured and left to grow. This would be our choice. (free will choice) But with this (free will) it carried even newer implications. For Jesus had not come to change the law but to make it even more binding. That to murder was a sin but know to even contemplate murder was now a sin in the face of God Also. To lust after a woman, even in thought would now be just a sinful as acting upon such a thought.

Jesus told us of a way to pray to the Father with respected to Him for He was the father of all of us. Jesus gave them the example of the (lords Prayer) as a guide.. So in this way they would not be as the pagan who made chants and repeats of a many words that served no purpose but to entertain family and friends of how pious they were. Or even to go as far as to cover their faces with ash and disguises themselves to look like they have been fasting and praying for long periods of time. In a since they had become professional Christians who in face were perfect children of God yet like white washed tombs on the out side all clean and radiant, but on the inside were full of filth and dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Jesus talked of how the builder who is wise and decide to build his house on a rock foundation, ( in this case the truth of the word of God) will overcome many disastrous, as that of a man that builds his home on sand, first good rain (tribulation) and everything will be washed away. There was no foundation of stone to hold the house on the sand, (knowledge of the word) The foundation on rock is a faith built on studding the word of God and living that word everyday for the rest of your life. and not to serve two masters one the world, the sand and one the rock, the father.

It was also taught that to let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and to glorify God, your father. This all an example of what we gain when he is in us and we grow in him in the inside as well as the outside.

Then there began the beatitudes, which we call the blessed are! For they are the light of the world, the salt of the earth.

The beginnings of all is right and good with that of the children of God and all the good blessings that He God had blessed us as His children have received. There is so much wisdom to be learned from these words. So full and rock solid in the truth that they are based in. Jesus had truly come to full fill the Law. Blessed ere those whom seek the word and to someday have the law written upon there hearts. I look forward to that day when the veil of knowledge has been opened to God's children and we shall both see Him and His law and truly understand how great and beneficial it all is for His creation.

Always remember the seeker finds, the asked always gets, whoever knocks is admitted. How is it that these words these concepts so simple are so feared and rejected by the world, it is so simple to understand only because Jesus has given to me His Holy Spirit, this same spirit has made it so simple for me to understand such an idea, yet the world does not see, does not understand even what a child can?

The sermon on the mount is Jesus greatest sermon ever given to humanity in the personage in the flesh of the Son of God ever given in the history of creation. He spoke of one with authority. His message was one of hope and conviction. Follow the road that He has now shown us and we will grow as children do and follow in His footsteps. He gave us free will and a promise never to leave us. He will not fail to live up to His promise. This father would not. Let your light shine as a beacon to others that you belong to Him. He has come to give us hope, and through this sermon gave us so much more. Praise the father, Praise the Son.

Rev. Carl Coglianese


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