Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Masters in religion - final essay

  In the opening of this final essay, I feel that I should introduce some things about myself. This should reflect my views somewhat on various aspects of religion. I was raised primarily in the Church of Christ, as my maternal grandfather was an Elder in that denomination. Most of my adult life, though, has been involvement with the Southern Baptist doctrine. I also hold an accredited Associate of Science degree in Sociology, and a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major, in the fields of Sociology and Political Science. I also have obtained graduate studies in Religion and Counseling, through Liberty University of Lynchburg, Virginia. 

I found this course to be personally enlightening, and as an outstanding preview of my previous religious studies. It is presented in a way that can be understood by most people, without being too complicated, which would distract from the main eschelon the subject of the Christian religion. It also presents information which may be utilized in the defending of the faith.  The first five lessons does an outstanding job of establishing the veracity and establishment of the Bible as the true Word of God, as presented by Him, to mankind. It presents the historical aspects of the Old Testament and it's relationship to the understanding of the New Testament.

These lessons also present the basic doctrines of the Christian religions, even though some of the various denominations have chosen different applications of these given doctrines. Most of those differences appear to be primarily uninspired man-made rules of their given denomination. In applying our lives to the appropriate doctrines, we must make sure that they are supported in the Bible. The only way to be sure of this item, is an enhanced study of God's Word in the Bible. The Bible does direct us, as disciples of Christ, to study to show us approved.

As such, it cannot be overstated for the intense study of the Bible.   I feel that the aspects and supportive evidences were well presented. Also, the other aspects of the practices of the various denominations, including their title of the clergy in the specific denominations were covered very well.  I think that the history of the Church did not include enough of the expansion of the Christian Church by the Apostles and Disciples was inclusive enough. However, the fundamental aspect was presented. The lessons also reflected on the eventual splits of the churches into the many denominations which we now know today. Many of these were accomplished due to various man-made rules, as expressed earlier in this essay. However, some of these splits were caused due to the intervention and endorsements of the government involvement in religion over the years. A prime example of this would be that of the Church of England disassociation from the Catholic Church. The laws that we live under today were originally taken from the doctrine of the various church bodies.  In summary, I feel that this course presented the essence of the Christian doctrine in a very understandable form. The design of this course is so fundamental for anyone desiring to spread the Gospel for God.  God bless you.   

Rev. Victor Lee Ferguson, D.D.,

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