Master of Religion

This blog is about the course on the Master of Religion offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. There are essays from those who have finished the course, as well as answers from the various lessons.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Matthews :Lesson Part 3

Grace be unto you.
Pg 25 The tongue is a system of iniquity that sets fire the whole course of life and is even set on fire by Satan.Mankind can control every  lesser creature, but no one can control hi sown tongue. We need temperance which is self control, that is, the ability to harness and control one's passion and lust.
Pg 26 a..The ultimate sin that by its very nature puts a man beyond the opportunity of salvation. Being led by Spirit offer us salvation to the heart. Those who reject his offer of salvation are in reality rejecting God..
Pg 26b. Unclean spirit: Only by inviting Christ to be honored guest and head of the home could  America know the full blessing of God. 
Pg 26c. Family of God: We see in the text attention being called away from earthly relationship to spiritual relationship. The precious truth that whosoever shall do the will of God are our father, mothers, brothers, and sisters.
Pg 27 Sower is Christ working through the agency of His disciples to spread the gospel throughout the world.
Pg28.The word of kingdom is the gospel proclamation of Jesus as king. These parables clearly illustrate that the church is the presnt day form of the kingdom.
Pg29.These earthly stories clearly illustrate that the church is the present-day form of the kingdom. The unsaved listener does not understand and does not receive the word of God, whereas the believer both hears and understands the message, and his life produces fruit to prove it.
Pg 30-31. Sometime we as Christian have to find our secret place and pray to the Father in secret. Those miracles assured the disciple who are learner from a teacher that they were following One that could abundantly provide for their needs. Now we learn that same One can protect and empower them as well.
Pg32.How true to our own experience! We are often storm- tossed, perplexed, despair. Our Savior seems far away.But  all the time He is praying for us.When the night seems darkest,He is near at hand. We often mistake Him even then and push the panic button. Then we hear His comforting voice and remember tt the waves that caused us to fear are under His feet.
Pg 32-33  As believers in Christ we will always be rejected i our Christian walk by the people closet to us our families and church leaders on social, family matter pertaining to church. What comes out of the mouth represents what is actually inside one's heart,and these may make you unclean (common, ceremonially impure). These matter not whether one eats foods with unwashed hands reveal spiritual uncleaness.
Pg35.Christ response was again condemnatory for He called them a wicked and adulterous generation, Jesus was not a sign worker simply for the sake of working sign or miracles. Religious leaders teaching was like pervasive yeast,, penetrating and corrupting the nation of America.
Pg 35-36 Public opinion placed our Lord on the highest human pedestal by identifying Him with one of nation heroes  of the past. What place of honor  do you gnerate isn your community, job, in your home. True discipleship involves following Christ and doing his will whoerever tht path might lead.
P.36-37 Light denotes Jesus revelation of God which calls men to accountability. Jeus was instructing the disciles about their future ministries. Their problem often would be lack of faith and failure to seek our Lords direction, His word would be sufficient to produce the desired healing but their action would necessitate great faith and constant contact with Jesus through prayer.
Pg 38. To become as little children means to be born again (coveted) as a newborn spiritual child characterized by faith and humility. Little children can and do believe in Jesus.
Pg.39 Unlimited forgiveness must characterize the true disciple. A humble person does not concern his or herself with position or power, but is concerned about active service especially toward those who are most in need.
Pg. 40 True forgiveness from the heart of a regenerate man is one of the signs of genuine salvation and conversion. Saved people are both forgiven and forgiving. Unsaved people prove that have never been born of God.
Pg.41 The Bible clearly indicates that sexual union does not itself constitute marriage, which is a fundamentally a covenant agreement between two partners for life. In our modern society their are more than one reason to divorce besides fornication. When one partner is emotionally, physically, mentally abusing the other partner is grounds for divorce in both the Old and New Testament it is never encouraged.
Pg. 42 We have instruction concerning ambition. Especially if we center on outward, rather than inward nature. When we love ourselves more than we love our neighbor (the poor) and love our possession more than God. This passage teaches the seriousness of true dsicipleship, but it in no way teaches the average man that he must sell his possessions in order to be a Christian.
Pg43 Teaches us regarding true Christian service and riches and a warning against jealousy and impurity of motive in serving Christ.
Those who has everything now (first) will discover one day they have lost everything they will be last.
Pg.44-45 Humbleness cost us nothing. Many will not accept the offer of saalvation which is freely given.Fig tree symbolize the desperate condition of America, high unemployment, foreclosures high volume in each states, gas prices sky high,water shortage. The earth and all that dwells in her belongs to God.In our Christian walk
Pg 46 Christians are to live with the Spirits help. The Christian must believe that the Spirit is with him, having been sent by God into his heart. Mankind will always protect his or her interest concerning laws and tradition against one who appeared to be attempting reinterpret the law, rejecting tradition
Pg 47Jesus clearly foretells His coming rejection and death.
Yours in Christ,
Andrew Blackman

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